Education Online English Handbook v1.2 by Dr. Dennis Clausen and Tom Haglund Perfect your written English with this reference guide. This program contains rules for capitalization, punctuation, grammar and more. Just click on a topic and complete rules and examples are given. Examples of incorrect usage are also given along with explanations about why the sentence is incorrect. Bird HyperTextBook by Iverson Software Birds of a feather flock together — and they all flocked to this HyperCard stack! Browse through more than 250 descriptions of birds. Click on a name and a description appears. There are HyperText links for every description, linking you to related topics in this collection. If it has feathers, you’ll find it here! Bushka by Christiaan Freeling Learn the challenging game of Bushka with this text document. The game is similar to checkers — it is played on a checkers game board and uses checkers pieces, but the rules are different. Game tactics are also included with some sample situations. The Calorizer v1.5.2 by J.P. Software Keep track of your daily intake of fat, carbohydrates, protein, alcohol and total daily calories. Great for high school or college athletes — or anyone studying health and fitness. Search the database of more than 5,000 food items. Review fat grams, fat calories, carbohydrate grams and more. You can also add foods to the database. Gradekeeper v4.0 by Daniel Ethier This program makes the grade! This powerful grading program is easy to learn and use. Group assignments into 10 different categories. Compute grades using category weights or total points earned. Have final exams contribute to the quarter, trimester, semester or final grade. Complete with an extensive user guide and comprehensive balloon help. LifeLab v3.0 by Andrew Trevorrow Investigate two-dimensional cellular growth in this laboratory program. Place cells on a grid and see how they survive. A cell is born if an empty square has exactly three live neighbors. It dies if it has less than two or more than three live neighbors. Hundreds of sample files get you started. MacSaber v1.3.3 by Steven Solomon Touché! Have fun and learn how to fence with this HyperCard stack. Contains information about the history of fencing and related sports, including Kendo and Scharffechten. It also includes the complete rules of saber fencing and descriptions of all equipment involved — both classic and electronic. You can even fence against the computer. Select from three difficulty levels. PhysioQuiz v1.0 by Ronald Girmus Learn about the molecular and cellular aspects of nervous tissue. Objectives and outlines give you an overview. Reviews provide you with detailed information. When you’re ready, test your knowledge with multiple-choice questions. Pop-up explanations of answers provide you with immediate feedback while taking the quiz. Psychology HyperTextBook by Iverson Software This HyperCard stack contains information about more than 100 psychology topics, including Amnesia, Superego and Telepathy. If any description mentions another topic, just click on its name and you will instantly jump to that topic. Two Gentlemen of Verona by Mark Zimmermann Read the complete text of William Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona. This HyperCard stack is organized by scene. Set bookmarks, search for text and take notes. If you like Shakespeare, this program is for you.